OurSong Record Store Day 2022

Collect music for the first time, or once again.

世界唱片行日 (Record Store Day,簡稱 RSD)。以音樂內容收藏為主的 OurSong,相信音樂在數位世界,除了可以更廣泛地被聆聽以外,依然具有收藏的價值。 因此我們邀請音樂人將自己的音樂作品以 NFT 這個新格式,打包封存在數位世界,成為限量的新型態音樂收藏品。

#Graphic Design #Art Direction #Key Visual
Company- OurSong
Project Planner- Ellie, Henry, Kaichun
Design- Huangya Chiu 邱韹雅

HUANG YA CHIU is a creative studio based in Taiwan, specializing in visual presentations, including branding, graphic design, product packaging, and print design. 


︎︎︎Small Graphic


HUANG YA CHIU is a creative studio based in Taiwan. We specialize in visually creative presentations including brand content, and graphic design, product packaging and design for print.