Soundscape Distribution

#Brand #Graphic Design #Logo #品牌設計 #應用設計

「原意是聲音地景,藉由不同的聲音建構出完整多元的景色。 就像海納百川,Soundscape則是廣納不同的音樂作品,呈現更多元的面貌。」山脈、沙漠、海和森林,世界是無比巨大的音場,充滿著聲音和視覺,符號上在一個平衡的地平面上下貫穿發展聲音產生形狀,單看是地景形狀,橫著觀看則是英文SS。

Graphic Design: Huang-Ya Chiu 邱韹雅

HUANG YA CHIU is a creative studio based in Taiwan, specializing in visual presentations, including branding, graphic design, product packaging, and print design. 


︎︎︎Small Graphic


HUANG YA CHIU is a creative studio based in Taiwan. We specialize in visually creative presentations including brand content, and graphic design, product packaging and design for print.